Born and raised in the muggy suburbs of Durban, South Africa. I now live in the green hills of Surrey, England with my husband and two young daughters.

Whilst I’ve lived in the UK for over half my life now, I just can’t shake my laid back South African nature and that’s exactly how shoots run with me - easy and fun!

I have loved telling stories from as young as I can remember. Whether through art, writing, acting, directing or my favourite - photography! Every scene and person carries their own energy, their own story to tell. What I revel in is being present in the moment - listening to and capturing the unique story in front of me.

Besides photography I love the ocean, traveling and reading. So much reading! I love fun! I’m the first on the trampoline and first into the waves. I think deeply but ask my kids and they’d tell you I’m actually a clown, and I’m at my absolute happiest silly dancing around the kitchen with them. I really really want a dog (watch this space).

Authenticity is everything, in life and in business. That starts with giving yourself permission to be true to yourself and show up in a way that feels aligned with who you are. I’ll be unapologetically myself and encourage you to be unapologetically yourself.

I love fun and silliness. I’ll happily dance like I’m sixteen and the DJ is playing my tune (although, full disclosure, my moves are decidedly more mum-like these days) to make you laugh. Flip the coin and I am equally into plumbing the depths of what it means to be human and how to navigate this wild and wonderous world we find ourselves in.

I am a theologian, or more accurately, a student of theology. Currently in my fourth year of a six year BA. I spend many of my child-free hours with my head and heart in the Bible. My photography business was birthed to pay my way through college. So you could say, I am a part-time student, part-time photographer and full-time mum. I absolutely love it!